Friday, 18 July 2014

आलू बोला मुझको खा लो | Potato Says Nursery Rhymes Lyrics

आलू बोला मुझको खा लो |
मैं  तुमको मोटा कर दूंगा |
पालक बोली मुझको खा लो |
मैं तुमको ताकत दे दूँगी |

गाजर, भिन्डी, बैंग |
गोभी, मटर, टमाटर बोले |
अगर हमें भी खाओगे |
शीघ्र बड़े हो जाओगे |

Potato says to little children, "Eat me
I will make you fatter."
Spinach says, "Eat me
I will give you more strength."

Carrot, Lady Fingers and Brinjal* say,
Cabbage, Peas and Tomato say,
"If you eat all of us also
You will grow fast."

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